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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Stephens

Shrek for National Bird? Petition Goes Viral

Updated: Jul 7

Shrek on an American Flag

In a surprising turn of events, an unexpected campaign on is gaining unprecedented traction: the push to replace the national bird of the United States with none other than Shrek. Yes, you read that right – Shrek, the beloved animated ogre from the popular film series, is being proposed as a symbol of national pride.

The Origins of the Movement

The petition, started by a group of Shrek enthusiasts and humorists, aims to challenge the traditional notion of what constitutes a national symbol. It humorously argues that Shrek embodies values such as bravery, acceptance, and the spirit of overcoming obstacles – qualities that, according to the petitioners, are quintessentially American.

One of the petition's organizers, who preferred to remain anonymous, stated, "Shrek is a cultural icon recognized worldwide. His story teaches us to embrace our differences and to stand up for what is right. What better representative for our country than someone who values fairness and inclusivity?"

Going Viral

Since its launch, the petition has spread like wildfire across social media platforms. Supporters are using hashtags such as #ShrekForNationalBird and #OgrePride to rally behind their cause. Memes, fan art, and even Shrek-themed merchandise have flooded the internet, further fueling the movement's momentum.

"It's amazing to see how quickly this idea has resonated with people," remarked another supporter. "Shrek has brought laughter and life lessons to so many. Making him our national bird would be a playful yet powerful statement about what America stands for."

Public Reaction

Unsurprisingly, the petition has sparked a range of reactions. Critics argue that replacing a traditional symbol like the bald eagle with a fictional character undermines the seriousness of national emblems. Others see it as a harmless and lighthearted way to celebrate American culture and creativity.

"I think it's hilarious," said one commenter on social media. "We could all use a bit of Shrek's humor and wisdom in our lives. Plus, imagine the merchandising opportunities!"

What's Next?

As the petition continues to gather signatures and support, the next steps remain uncertain. petitions have been instrumental in raising awareness and sometimes effecting real change, although the likelihood of Shrek becoming the official national bird remains remote.

Nonetheless, the viral nature of this campaign highlights the power of internet culture to engage and entertain. It underscores our collective ability to find humor and meaning in unexpected places, even if those places happen to be the swampy home of an animated ogre.

Final Thoughts

Whether you're a die-hard Shrek fan or simply amused by the idea of an ogre in flight, one thing is clear: this campaign is a testament to the creativity and playfulness of online communities. It encourages us to question conventions, and above all, to never underestimate the potential of a good meme.

So, as the debate over America's national bird rages on, one question remains: will Shrek soar to new heights as an emblem of national pride? Only time – and perhaps a sprinkle of fairy tale magic – will tell.

What are your thoughts on this whimsical campaign? Do you think Shrek has what it takes to be the face – or beak – of the nation? Share your opinions and join the conversation!

Stay tuned to see if the swampy dream of Shrek as national bird takes flight!

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