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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Stephens

Disaster Communications: A security guard and patrol company that plans to do business during the apocalypse.

Updated: Jul 11

Our Communications Preparedness Journey at SGV PATROL

Greetings, California! Today, we're looking into how SGV PATROL is gearing up for communication resilience, especially in the face of emergencies. Here’s a glimpse into our proactive measures and why they matter.

Building a Robust Communication Arsenal

At SGV PATROL, we're not just about looking good in uniform; we're about preparedness. That's why we're expanding our communication toolkit to include equipment designed to keep us connected when traditional methods fall short. We're stocking up on:

  • Different Types of Radios: From FRS walkie talkies to powerful HAM radios, we're ensuring we have the right tools for every situation.

  • Antennas: Crucial for extending our radio reach, especially in remote or challenging environments. Such as the Diamond GP3

  • Solar Panels: Providing energy to keep our communication gear operational, even when the grid goes down.

  • Battery Banks and Generators: Backing up our power supply to maintain continuous operation during extended outages such as the recent AT&T outage

  • Faraday Cages and Bags: That are designed to protect sensitive electronics from the negative effects of solar storms or electrical magnetic pulse weapons (EMP).

Learning from Past Challenges

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Reflecting on the unrest in 2020, we recognize the critical role effective communication plays in crisis management. Having robust backup systems in place would have empowered us to:

  • Maintain Contact: Ensuring seamless communication between our teams and dispatch, despite localized disruptions.

  • Coordinate Efforts: Facilitating swift responses and real-time updates to mitigate risks and protect our community.

  • Stay Resilient: Demonstrating our commitment to operational continuity and public safety, even during challenging times.

Our Ongoing Journey

By investing in advanced radio equipment and adopting best practices from industry leaders Jacob from and Evan from we're setting a new standard for preparedness in Southern California. Our journey doesn’t stop here; it’s a continuous effort to enhance our capabilities and safeguard those we serve.

Join Us in the Conversation

We invite you to stay connected as we navigate this journey toward enhanced preparedness. Whether you’re curious about security protocols, a resident of Southern California, or simply passionate about community resilience, we’re here to share our insights and progress with you.

As always, your safety is our priority. Together, we can build a stronger, more resilient community.

Stay tuned for more updates on how SGV PATROL is leading the charge in general emergency readiness. Because when it comes to safety and security, preparedness makes all the difference.

Here is a list of the off grid communication learning resources we have used and strongly recommend! Be sure to buy from Grid base, and take classes from Radio Made Easy. And if you are in Southern California join and donate to the GOTAHAMS Amature Radio Club.

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radio made easy


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1 Comment

Evan Dixon
Evan Dixon
Jul 02

Fantastic writeup! Admire your efforts in becoming more prepared and resilient. Radio Made Easy has your back!

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